Tuesday 26 July 2011

Larry Page

Lawrence "Larry" Page2 (born March 26, 1973) is an American computer scientist and industrialist who, with Sergey Brin, is best known as the co-founder of Google. As of April 4, 2011, he is also the Chief Executive Officer of Google, as announced on January 20, 2011.34 As of 2011, his personal wealth is estimated to be $19.8 billion.1

Early life and education

Page was birth in East Lansing, Michigan.56 His father, Carl Page, becoming a Ph.D. in computer science in 1965 aback the acreage was in its infancy, and is advised a "pioneer in computer science and bogus intelligence." Both he and Page's mother were computer science advisers at Michigan State University.78 Folio is Jewish on his mother's side, and was aloft afterwards religion.9

Page abounding the Okemos Montessori Academy (now alleged Montessori Radmoor) in Okemos, Michigan from 1975 to 1979, and accelerating from East Lansing High Academy in 1991.10 He holds a Bachelor of Science amount in computer engineering from the University of Michigan with ceremoniousness and a Masters amount in computer science from Stanford University. While at the University of Michigan, "Page created an inkjet printer fabricated of Lego bricks" (actually a band plotter),11 served as the admiral of the Eta Kappa Nu in Fall 1994,12 and was a affiliate of the 1993 "Maize & Blue" University of Michigan Solar team.

During an interview, Folio recalled his childhood, acquainted that his abode "was usually a mess, with computers and Popular Science magazines all over the place." His allure to computers started aback he was six years old aback he got to "play with the being lying around." He became the "first kid in his elementary academy to about-face in an appointment from a chat processor."13 His earlier brother additionally accomplished him to booty things apart, and afore continued he was demography "everything in his abode afar to see how it worked." He said that "from a actual aboriginal age, I additionally accomplished I capital to ad-lib things. So I became absolutely absorbed in technology...and business . . . apparently from aback I was 12, I knew I was activity to alpha a aggregation eventually."13

After enrolling for a Ph.D. affairs in computer science at Stanford University, Larry Folio was in chase of a argument affair and advised exploring the algebraic backdrop of the World Wide Web, compassionate its articulation anatomy as a huge graph.1415 His administrator Terry Winograd encouraged him to accompany this idea, which Folio afterwards recalled as "the best admonition I anytime got".16 Folio again focused on the botheration of award out which web pages articulation to a accustomed page, because the cardinal and attributes of such backlinks to be admired advice about that folio (with the role of citations in bookish publishing in mind).15 In his analysis project, nicknamed "BackRub", he was anon abutting by Sergey Brin, a adolescent Stanford Ph.D. student.15

John Battelle, co-founder of Wired magazine, wrote of Folio that he had articular that the "entire Web was about based on the apriorism of commendation – afterwards all, what is a articulation but a citation? If he could devise a adjustment to calculation and authorize anniversary backlink on the Web, as Folio puts it 'the Web would become a added admired place'."15 Battelle added declared how Folio and Brin began alive calm on the project:

"At the time Folio conceived of BackRub, the Web comprised an estimated 10 actor documents, with an untold cardinal of links amid them. The accretion assets appropriate to clamber such a barbarian were able-bodied above the accepted bound of a apprentice project. Unaware of absolutely what he was accepting into, Folio began architecture out his crawler.

"The idea's complication and calibration absorbed Brin to the job. A polymath who had jumped from activity to activity afterwards clearing on a apriorism topic, he begin the apriorism abaft BackRub fascinating. "I talked to lots of analysis groups" about the school, Brin recalls, "and this was the best agitative project, both because it tackled the Web, which represents animal knowledge, and because I admired Larry."15

Brin and Folio originally met in March 1995, during a bounce acclimatization of fresh computer Ph.D. candidates. Brin, who had already been in the affairs for two years, was assigned to appearance some students, including Page, about campus, and they afterwards became acceptable friends.17

To catechumen the backlink abstracts aggregate by BackRub's web crawler into a admeasurement of accent for a accustomed web page, Brin and Folio developed the PageRank algorithm, and accomplished that it could be acclimated to body a chase agent far above to absolute ones.15 It relied on a fresh affectionate of technology that analyzed the appliance of the aback links that affiliated one Web folio to another.17 In August 1996, the antecedent adaptation of Google was fabricated available, still on the Stanford University Web site.


In 1998, Brin and Page founded Google, Inc. Page ran Google as co-president forth with Brin until 2001 back they assassin Eric Schmidt as Administrator and CEO of Google. In January 2011 Google appear that Page would alter Schmidt as CEO in April the aforementioned year. Both Page and Brin acquire an anniversary advantage of one dollar. On April 4, 2011, Page clearly became the arch controlling administrator of Google, while Schmidt stepped bottomward to become controlling chairman.

Other interests

Page is an alive broker in another activity companies, such as Tesla Motors, which developed the Tesla Roadster, a 244-mile (393 km) ambit array electric vehicle.24 He continues to be committed to renewable activity technology, and with the advice of Google.org, Google's altruistic arm, promotes the acceptance of constituent amalgam electric cars and added another activity investments.13

Brin and Page are the controlling producers of the 2007 blur Broken Arrows.

Awards and recognition

In 2003, both Brin and Page accustomed an honorary MBA from IE Business School "for embodying the ambitious spirit and lending drive to the conception of fresh businesses...."25 And in 2004, they accustomed the Marconi Foundation Prize, the "Highest Award in Engineering," and were adopted Fellows of the Marconi Foundation at Columbia University. "In announcement their selection, John Jay Iselin, the Foundation's president, congratulated the two men for their apparatus that has fundamentally afflicted the way advice is retrieved today." They abutting a "select core of 32 of the world's best affecting communications technology pioneers...."26 He was adopted to the National Academy of Engineering in 2004. In 2005, Brin and Page were adopted Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.27 In 2002 the World Economic Forum called Page a Global Leader for Tomorrow and in 2004 the X PRIZE chose Page as a trustee for their board.11

PC Magazine has accepted Google as amid the Top 100 Web Sites and Search Engines (1998) and awarded Google the Abstruse Excellence Award, for Innovation in Web Application Development in 1999. In 2000, Google becoming a Webby Award, a People's Voice Award for abstruse achievement, and in 2001, was awarded Outstanding Search Service, Best Image Search Engine, Best Design, Best Webmaster Friendly Search Engine, and Best Search Feature at the Search Engine Watch Awards."28

In 2004, Page and Brin were called "Persons of the Week" by ABC World News Tonight. Page accustomed     an honorary doctorate from the University of Michigan in 2009 during graduation admission ceremonies.29

In 2011, he was ranked 24th on the Forbes account of the world’s billionaires and as the 11th richest being in the United States